Verb Forms List With Gujarati Meaning Pdf

1300+ Verb Forms List With Hindi Meaning All Verb list V1,V2 and V3-Hello Friends, Welcome to wikimeinpedia.Com, दोस्तों!आपको यह बात तो पता ही होगा. की English भाषा बोलने या सीखने के verbs की तीनो forms जैसे V1, V2 and V3 पता होना कितना जरुरी है. There are three forms of Verb - Base Form (Ist form), Past Simple form (2nd form) and Past Participle form (3rd form),Forms of verbs with Hindi meaning. An English Irregular Verb List — Free PDF Download Improve your English by learning and memorizing the common irregular verbs in English below. If you have any questions about studying English, please contact us. Verb Forms List With Gujarati Meaning Pdf Free Download our verb forms list with gujarati meaning eBooks for free and learn more about verb forms list with gujarati meaning. These books contain exercises and tutorials to improve your practical skills, at all levels!

Welcome to the 10th lesson about verbs in Gujarati. We will first learn about the present tense, followed by the past tense, and future tense. We will also analyze some grammar rules, and finally practice how to ask for direction in Gujarati.

Verbs are used to express an action (I swim) or a state of being (I am). The present tense in Gujarati conveys a situation or event in the present time. Here are some examples:

Present Tense - Gujarati - Pronunciation
I speak English હું ઇંગલિશ બોલું છું [heum imegueleiśh beoleum chheum]
you speak French તમે ફ્રેન્ચ બોલો છો [teme phe'reene'ch beoleo chheo]
he speaks German તેઓ જર્મન બોલે છે [teeo jere'men beole chhe]
she speaks Italian તેણી ઇટાલિયન બોલે છે [teeṇeī iṭeāleiyen beole chhe]
we speak Arabic અમે અરબી બોલીએ છીએ [ame arebeī beoleī chheī]
they speak Chinese તેઓ ચિની બોલે છે [teeo cheineī beole chhe]

The past tense in Gujarati conveys a situation or event in the past time. Here are some examples:

Past Tense - Gujarati - Pronunciation
I visited France મેં ફ્રાન્સ ની મુલાકાત લીધી હતી [meem phe'reāne's neī meuleākeāt leīdheī heteī]
you visited Italy તમે ઇટાલી ની મુલાકાત લીધી હતી [teme iṭeāleī neī meuleākeāt leīdheī heteī]
he visited Morocco તેમણે મોરોક્કો ની મુલાકાત લીધી હતી [teemeṇe meoreoke'keo neī meuleākeāt leīdheī heteī]
she visited China તેણીએ ચાઇના ની મુલાકાત લીધી હતી [teeṇeī cheāineā neī meuleākeāt leīdheī heteī]
we visited Mexico અમે મેક્સિકો ની મુલાકાત લીધી હતી [ame meeke'seikeo neī meuleākeāt leīdheī heteī]
they visited Kenya તેમણે કેન્યા ની મુલાકાત લીધી હતી [teemeṇe keene'yeā neī meuleākeāt leīdheī heteī]

The future tense in Gujarati conveys a situation or event which is anticipated to happen in the future. Here are some examples:

Future Tense - Gujarati - Pronunciation
I will drink milk હું દૂધ પીવાનો છું [heum deūdh peīveāneo chheum ]
you will drink coffee તમે કોફી પીશો [teme keopheī peīśheo]
he will drink tea તે ચા પીશે [te cheā peīśhe]
she will drink water તેણી પાણી પીશે [teeṇeī peāṇeī peīśhe]
we will drink apple juice અમે સફરજનના રસ પીશું [ame sepherejeneneā res peīśheum ]
they will drink tea તેઓ ચા પીશે [teeo cheā peīśhe]

Now let's take a break and refresh our vocabulary by learning the body parts.

Verb Forms List With Gujarati Meaning Pdf
કાન [keān]
આંખ [āmekh]
મુખ [meukh]
નાક [neāk]
વાળ [veāḷ]
ચહેરો [cheheereo]
માથું [meātheum]
હૃદય [her̥dey]
હાથ [heāth]
આંગળીઓ [āmegueḷeīo]
પગ [pegu]
પગ [pegu]

Travel Phrases in Gujarati

Imagine yourself in some Gujarati speaking country. The following travel phrases are highly important and can help you avoid misunderstanding. Try to memorize them and practice!

English - Gujarati - Pronunciation
Can you help me? શું તમે મારી મદદ કરી શકશો? [śheum teme meāreī meded kereī śhekeśheo?]
Can I help you? હું તમને મદદ કરી શકું? [heum temene meded kereī śhekeum?]
Where is the airport? એરપોર્ટ ક્યાં છે? [erepeore'ṭ ke'yeām chhee?]
Go straight સીધા જાવ [seīdheā jeāv]
Then તે પછી [te pechheī]
Turn left ડાબી બાજુ વળો [ḍeābeī beājeu veḷeo]
Turn right જમણી બાજુ વળો [jemeṇeī beājeu veḷeo]
Verb forms list with gujarati meaning pdf download

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Inspirational Quote: Knowing is not enough; we must apply. Willing is not enough; we must do. Goethe

< Gujarati

surya ugyo

Formation of the present tense[edit]

The present tense in Gujarati is for most verbs formed by removing the infinitive ending વું vũ, placing a grammatical person marker in its place, and placing the appropriate present-tense form of the verb to be afterwards.

The formula thus follows the lines of:

[verb stem + personal marker] [form of to be]

For example, for the first person:

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[kar + ũ] [chhũ]

Or in full,

Hũ e karũ chhũ. (હું એ કરું છું.)
I it doing am. ('I am doing it.')

The verb to be (હોવું chovũ)[edit]

The verb હોવું is irregular both in its stem (છ chh as opposed to હો cho) and in that it does not take an auxiliary (as it is itself the auxiliary used by all other verbs). Because it is used to conjugate all other verbs, it is essential to know all the following forms.

The forms shown below are the 'forms of to be' mentioned above that are used to form the present tense.

Pronoun (En)Pronoun (Guj)Verb form
Iહું hũછું chhũ
youતું tũછે chhe
he/she/itએ eછે chhe
weઅમે ameછીએ chhiie
youતમે tameછો chho
theyએ eછે chhe

Present tense endings[edit]

These are the 'personal markers' mentioned above that are used to form the present tense.

PronounPersonal marker
હું hũઉં ũ
તું tũએ e
એ eએ e
અમે ameઈએ iie
તમે tameઓ o
એ eએ e

Example: a regular verb, કરવું karvũ[edit]

The verb stem is derived by removing -vũ:

કરવું karvũ → કર kar
PronounVerb formForm of to be
હું hũકરું karũછું chhũ
તું tũકરે kareછે chhe
એ eકરે kareછે chhe
અમે ameકરીએ kariieછીએ chhiie
તમે tameકરો karoછો chho
એ eકરે kareછે chhe

Thus we can make such sentences as:

Hũ (e) karu chhũ. I am doing (it).
Apņe (kaam) kariie chhiie. We are doing (work).
Tũ (shũ) kare chhe ? (What) are you doing?

Negative present tense[edit]

The negative present tense is formed completely differently from the positive present tense. It follows the pattern:

[negative marker] [verb stem + form of ]


  • The negative marker can be any one of the following: નથી nathii, ન na, નહિ nahi.
  • The form of the suffix તું tũ must agree in gender and number with the agent of the verb (thing performing the action).

For example, if Mayur (a man's name) says, 'I am not doing work,' this is:

[nathii] [kar + to]
Hũ (kaam) nathii karto. I am not doing (work).

Gujarati Meaning Of English Words


Forms of તું tũ[edit]

The various gender forms of તું tũ are:

Verb Forms List With Gujarati Meaning Pdf

Neuterતું tũતાં tãã
Masculineતો toતા taa
Feminineતી tiiતી tii
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